Eyevan 7285 - 163 900-Optical (45)【New】

特價 價格 HK$4,880.00 原價

EYEVAN 7285 一直以「眼鏡是時裝」為概念,造出甚具復古感的優質眼鏡。以鈦金屬、薄鋼、上等醋酸纖維板材製作,並且對工藝有著百份百的堅持,從外架到鉸鏈、銲接、雕刻等細微之處皆以手工製作處理,每個過程都堅持在日本完成。不論眼鏡設計,還是鏡框品質,都傳承著品牌的精神及手藝,延續EYEVAN所堅持的設計哲學,成為將眼鏡搖身一變成時尚配件的先驅者。

顏色:金 | Gold 

類型:光學鏡 | Optical

物料:鈦金屬 |  Titanium 

尺寸: 45-23-147

~ BLACKZMITH 專屬網店限定 ~


現凡購物滿 HK$3000,即送 Blackzmith 獨家手造眼鏡皮套一個

【 Solos x Carl Zeiss Synchrony 】
現凡購買 Solos Smart Glasses*,即送 蔡司 Synchrony 1.56 非球面鏡片一對

【 保護眼睛 齊心抗病 】
即送 不反光平光鏡片 或 護眼防藍光平光鏡片 一對

即送 不反光平光鏡片 或 護眼防藍光平光鏡片 一對 或 免費升級抗藍光導膜

【 免運費 】

Choose Your Product Options:
Wood Panel and Edge Choice *
Interior Width (6 to 20 inches) *
Interior Depth (6 to 20 inches)
Interior Height (2 to 10 inches) *
Top Border
Top Border 2
Top Border 3
Front, Rear And Side Border
Front, Rear And Side Border 2
Front, Rear And Side Border 3
Corner and edge detail
Glass Insert In Lid *
Lock option
Gun case interiors
Felt Insert color
Drawer Lock
Drawer felt lining
Latch (wood or metal)
False Bottom
Woodburned Text
Woodburned text font
Woodburned text count
Woodburned text placement
Inlaid Text
Inlaid Text Font
Inlaid text count
Art work
A 3D sketch will be provided to you to confirm all details of your order.

**If you need to order prescription lenses, please read and agree to the Terms and Conditions, provide up-to-date prescription info from your optician (less than 2 years) by email to cs@blackzmith.com for confirmation.
**客人如需加配度數鏡片,需閱讀並同意網上購物條款及細則,並以電郵方式提供有效期為2年內的驗眼數據文件至 cs@blackzmith.com 與我們確認資料無誤。

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